Customized Yoga Program

Design Your Own Yoga Practice

Yoga for your type Is rooted in the system of Ayurveda. Our physical and mental constitutions vary from person to person. Each individual is a unique expression of nature, thus can greatly benefit from personalized yoga and fitness. With yoga for your type we will design your personal practice that will propel you for life. Ayurveda suggests that we build our practice based on Dosa types. There are three Doshas and three types of practices, for each Dosha type.

Cooling and cleansing yoga - (Pitta Dosha imbalance like inflammation and anger) End goal: transformation, flexibility.

Stabilizing and cleansing yoga - (Vata Dosha imbalance like physical weakness, emotional and physical instability, anxiety) End goal: stability and internal freedom.

Vitalizing and cleansing yoga - (Kapha Dosha imbalances like heaviness, extra weight, lethargy, depression) End goal: ease and lightness.

This class ends with classic Shavasana resting pose and gentle pressure point for optimum relaxation. Meditation and yoga pressure point therapy are available upon request.

Key to Life Yoga offers private yoga classes in the comfort of your home or office. We come to you and will provide resources like additional yoga mats, incense, music, and lighting to make your yoga experience relaxing and unforgettable. Contact us for more information on classes and schedules.

Price $95 for one hour and 30min. Buy Package of 10 classes receive $95 off!

Jenia Kiseleva

Jenia Kiseleva

Yoga Director

I became a certified Yoga instructor in 2005, after a dance injury encouraged me to change path. Training in ballet from age 5 enabled me to discover the body as an extremely powerful yet delicate tool. Through my own rehabilitation and many years of studying I found ways to emphasize simplicity of movement through breathing patterns making practice more effortless and productive.

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